Immigrant Entrepreneurs and Innovation in the U.S. High-Tech Sector
We use Annual Survey of Entrepreneurs to measure innovation behavior in high-tech industries. Immigrant-owned…
Immigration Policies Affecting the Highly Skilled: Effects on Innovation and Pro ...
The annual quota on new issuances of H-1B status fell from 195,000 to 65,000…
When is science used in science policy?
Examining the importance of scientific and technical information in National Research Council reports A…
Understanding Team Knowledge Production: The Interrelated Roles of Technology an ...
Despite evidence of the growing importance of team knowledge production, our understanding of factors…
Tracking Researchers and their Output: New Insights from ORCID
The ORCID identifier can be used as a tool for author name disambiguation, but…
The Cost of Research Tools and the Direction of Innovation: Evidence from Comput ...
We examine how a change in the cost of access to knowledge influences the…
Emergence of Collaboration Networks Around Large Scale Data Repositories: A Stud ...
To explore the impact of scientific collaboration and large-scale repositories in the field of…
Data-Driven Predictions in the Science of Science
Increasingly detailed data about scientific research raise the possibility of predicting the future direction…
An Indicator of Technical Emergence
Developing useful intelligence on scientific and technological emergence challenges those who would manage R&D…